Compiled library "core".
Compiled library "std".
Compiled contract "wallet".
Bytecode size is 1484 bytes.
Contract id: 0xdea40d72cfcd621139e2c18c5471f14ac854b1621b57753fadfabc169f2ed864
Please provide the address of the wallet you are going to sign this transaction with:fuel1v3hdp7mpsy3mnsdy4jhwt4yk67n3yqgrn6mt0d4v3wvny2dn7f7sgf3ymm
Error: Provider error: Response errors; Unknown type "ExcludeInput"; Unknown type "ExcludeInput"; Unknown field "resourcesToSpend" on type "Query". Did you mean "coinsToSpend"?; Unknown field "messageId" on type "Message".
Thanks for sharing that! You are using the beta-2 toolchain but trying to deploy to the beta-1 network. You can either change the deploy url to beta-2, or use the beta-1 toolchain. You can install that by running fuelup toolchain install beta-1 and set it as your default with fuelup default beta-1.