Supported fuel-core version: 0.39.0

Hello guys i try to use TypeScript SDK and have this error :

The Fuel Node that you are trying to connect to is using fuel-core version 0.40.0,
which is not supported by the version of the TS SDK that you are using.
Things may not work as expected.
Supported fuel-core version: 0.39.0

i should wait for an update ? or there is another node ? i use ‘

This is expected behaviour. The log message is just a warning to notify you that currently version of the TS SDK is currently not aligned with the latest version of fuel-core version.

This will be resolved in our next release, which has the following PR in to upgrade the fuel-core version to 0.40.0.

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Hi can we use the nightly version since it’s updated?

Sure @eesheng you can use the nightly but we recommend waiting for the next release. This warning is not critical and the SDK should function fine in most cases.

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