Version Mismatch: Fuel Node using fuel-core 0.36.0 not supported by TypeScript SDK 0.94.6


I am encountering a version compatibility issue between the Fuel Node and the TypeScript SDK. Despite installing the latest version of the fuel-ts SDK, I am still receiving an error indicating that my Fuel Node (running fuel-core 0.36.0) is not supported by the SDK, which only supports fuel-core 0.35.0.

Error Details:
The Fuel Node that you are trying to connect to is using fuel-core version 0.36.0,
which is not supported by the version of the TS SDK that you are using.
Things may not work as expected.
Supported fuel-core version: 0.35.0.

Steps I’ve Taken:

1.	Installed the Latest SDK: I used npm install fuels@0.94.6 --save to ensure I’m using the most recent version.
2.	Cleared Node Modules & Reinstalled: I removed node_modules and reinstalled dependencies using npm install.
3.	Verified SDK Version: I confirmed that the latest SDK is installed using npm list fuels, but the error persists.
4.	Checked Documentation: I reviewed the release notes for fuel-ts to confirm support for fuel-core 0.36.0 but couldn’t find any specific mention of this version.

Expected Behavior:

The SDK should support fuel-core 0.36.0, or there should be guidance on how to handle this version mismatch.


  1. Is there a timeline for fuel-ts to support fuel-core 0.36.0?

  2. Are there any workarounds to ensure compatibility between the current fuel-core and the SDK?

  3. Could there be a caching or dependency resolution issue causing this mismatch, even after updating?

I’d appreciate any guidance or suggestions from the community!

Can you share the output for fuelup show from your terminal?

@Prasanth You are correct, the TS SDK 0.94.6 do not support fuel-core @ 0.36.0.

It was implemented via #3187 and will be supported in the upcoming release.

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Thank you for the clarification!

I appreciate the confirmation that the current TS SDK (0.94.6) does not yet support fuel-core 0.36.0. It’s good to know that support for fuel-core 0.36.0 has been implemented in [PR #3187](link to PR if available), and I’ll look forward to the upcoming release that includes this fix.

In the meantime, I’ll monitor the repository for the new version release. If there are any recommendations for handling this in the short term, feel free to share!

Thanks again for the quick response.