Here’s the link of the given Screen shot - Fuel Explorer
/Current open issue on github - Accounts page - Sort transactions showing latest first · Issue #331 · FuelLabs/fuel-explorer · GitHub
Here’s the link of the given Screen shot - Fuel Explorer
/Current open issue on github - Accounts page - Sort transactions showing latest first · Issue #331 · FuelLabs/fuel-explorer · GitHub
yes not accurate display transaction recently
Hey @Chester-King, we are already sorting the transactions by latest but on UI side, only the ones returned by the core, to be perfect it needs to be done on api side.
for that we need the block explorer indexer work finished, and then we can sort over a better structured data. this work is in 90% already, ETA is 1-2 weeks from now
@Chester-King you can track it in the issue here Add pagination to transaction accounts page · Issue #407 · FuelLabs/fuel-explorer · GitHub
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Pagination in Account Transactions and Sort transactions by latest first on the explorer is live on the explorer