Hey guys, is anybody else getting this annoying pop-up when saving? It just keeps loading and loading and nothing happens, I only saves if I click on cancel.
I’m using the vs-code extension with "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": true },. Am I not supposed to use that in this way? I’m not even entirely sure whether this effects the Sway plugin tbh.
Could you share your formatter settings as well? Do you have “format on save” enabled?
I have seen this happen before, it seems to happen when the formatter takes a longer time to run. For example if I rename a symbol that is used across many files, it takes longer to format, and I sometimes see this message. However, it’s hard for me to reproduce. Usually after reloading the window (“Developer: Reload Window” in the command palette) I don’t see it again. Is that the case for you, or does this happen even after a very minor edit?
If this is consistently happening, there are some helpful suggestions in this post: