Discord server ban

Hello @rubyto I was banned in the fuel discord server for sending an invite link but this action wasn’t done by me cos my account was hacked but it’s fixed now.

Pls I need help to rejoin the server my discord username is macdfx

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Hey @Macdondegreat thanks for reaching out. We’re looking into this for you :slight_smile:


Dear calldelegation, dear team,
I’ve been banned from your discord server because my discord account has obviously been hacked and a bot started to send out dozens of DMs to all my contacts and servers I’m connected to. Now my discord account is 100% cleared with a new password and a 2-factor-authentication; I therefore kindly ask you to let me back in to your discord server as I have been an early follower and actively contributed since the beginning with a few achievements attached to my discord account which I can’t renounce to. Many kind thanks in advance, my discord ID is daavi#8800.
Kind regards,

@calldelegation @Rubyto - please help !
I’ve been banned from your discord server because my discord account has obviously been hacked and a bot started to send out dozens of DMs to all my contacts and servers I’m connected to. Now my discord account is 100% cleared with a new password and a 2-factor-authentication; I therefore kindly ask you to let me back in to your discord server as I have been an early follower and actively contributed since the beginning with a few achievements attached to my discord account which I can’t renounce to. Many kind thanks in advance, my discord ID is daavi#8800.
Kind regards,

Hi, @calldelegation!
I was banned for sending links, but it wasn’t me; my Discord account was hacked. Could you please help me? I had a role provided by a guide, and I can provide the required details. My Discord username is hardcoreavailability
Thank you for the help