Run fuel-core run \

I’m trying to start a node.
After the command:
fuel core run
–keypair {33ff…}
–relayer {…}
–ip= --port=4000 --peering-port=30333
–snapshot ~/.fuelup
–utxo-validation --poa-instant false --enable-p2p
–reserved-nodes /dns4/
–sync-header-batch-size 100
–sync-block-stream-buffer-size 30

It will print:
Error: invalid value ‘{33ff…}’ for ‘–keypair ’: path "{33ff...}" doesn’t exist for argument keypair

Translated with (free version)

Can you share the output for the fuelup show from your terminal and make sure that you are passing the correct chainconfig to the snapshot?

also, according to the error, you need to pass the generated key-value pair. please refer to our guide here

Installed toolchains

latest-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)

active toolchain

latest-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
forc : 0.61.2
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.61.2
- forc-run : 0.61.2
- forc-crypto : 0.61.2
- forc-debug : 0.61.2
- forc-doc : 0.61.2
- forc-fmt : 0.61.2
- forc-lsp : 0.61.2
- forc-tx : 0.61.2
- forc-wallet : 0.8.1
fuel-core : 0.31.0
fuel-core-keygen : 0.31.0

fuels versions

forc : 0.64.0
forc-wallet : 0.64.0

@frambor can you please confirm these details too? :slight_smile: