curl | sh
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
fuelup: fuelup was not found - either the release is not ready yet or the tag is invalid. You can check if the release is available here:
I successfully installed fuelup using the proxy tool, but I couldn’t find tools such as Forc
Default host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
fuelup home: /home/zhang/.fuelup
installed toolchains
active toolchain
latest-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
forc : not found
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : not found
- forc-run : not found
- forc-crypto : not found
- forc-doc : not found
- forc-explore : not found
- forc-fmt : not found
- forc-lsp : not found
- forc-tx : not found
- forc-wallet : not found
fuel-core : not found
fuel-core-keygen : not found
Hello there,
There is a chance that at the time you ran the curl command, the website that hosts the installation script was being redeployed. Could you check if you still get a 404 now?
If so, do you also get a 404 when navigating to
in a browser?
If curl still isn’t working for you, you can manually download the installation script here: fuelup/ at master · FuelLabs/fuelup · GitHub
And run it like so:
chmod +x
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