When I execute "fuelup toolchain install latest" I get "Could not build download configs from channel" I'm on ubuntu 23.04

Topic discussion checklist

  • Run $ fuelup show and add the output below
    active toolchain

latest-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
forc : not found
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : not found
- forc-run : not found
- forc-crypto : not found
- forc-debug : not found
- forc-doc : not found
- forc-fmt : not found
- forc-lsp : not found
- forc-tx : not found
- forc-wallet : not found
fuel-core : not found
fuel-core-keygen : not found

  • Detailed steps to recreate issue
    I’m trying to install a node and
  • Link full scope of the codebase pertaining to your issue
  • Any other relevant information
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it seems that you have not installed the toolchain correctly. Please use this guide to install the toolchain again.

I ran it multiple times, but I still get following error

info: downloading fuelup 0.27.0
Could not build download configs from channel

Have you checked the path? It worked for me but still having some issues with LSP I’m not sure if it’s because I’m using wsl or not.

This is all I see in .fuelup/bin directory. It looks like the toolchain is not installing because of the Could not build download configs from channel

total 5124
-rwxr-xr-x 1 x x 5236400 Oct 16 07:06 fuelup
drwxrwxr-x 4 x x 4096 Nov 9 08:41 …
drwxrwxr-x 2 x x 4096 Nov 18 10:08 .