Upgrade node beta-4 to beta-5

Hi all,

I running a node beta-4 since few weeks and now I want to upgrade it for beta-5.

I keep peer-id value (secret key) and running these commands in order :

~ fuelup toolchain install beta-5
~ fuelup default beta-5

then :

And :

  • Run node command :

fuel-core run --service-name “lecryptok_fuel_node” --keypair “my_key_pair_value” --relayer “https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/“my_infura_id”” --ip --port 4000 --peering-port 30333 --db-path /root/.fuel_beta5 --chain /root/chainConfig-b5.json --utxo-validation --poa-instant false --enable-p2p --min-gas-price 1 --max-block-size 18874368 --max-transmit-size 18874368 --reserved-nodes /dns4/p2p-beta-5.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmSMqLSibvGCvg8EFLrpnmrXw1GZ2ADX3U2c9ttQSvFtZX,/dns4/p2p-beta-5.fuel.network/tcp/30334/p2p/16Uiu2HAmVUHZ3Yimoh4fBbFqAb3AC4QR1cyo8bUF4qyi8eiUjpVP --sync-header-batch-size 100 --enable-relayer --relayer-v2-listening-contracts 0x557c5cE22F877d975C2cB13D0a961a182d740fD5 --relayer-da-deploy-height 4867877 --relayer-log-page-size 2000

Here my error :

Question/Answer :

  • Why rename folder .fuelup_beta4 to .fuelup_beta5 ?
    → Because .fuelup_beta5 is not created automatically after using these commands :
    ~ fuelup toolchain install beta-5
    ~ fuelup default beta-5

  • And if you run the command ; rm rf ~/.fuel/db ?
    → No, same issue is returned when I re-run the node command launch

Other question :
Why .fuelup toolchain install --help doesn’t return beta-5 as value ?

Thank you to help me !
See you !


Hello @Lecryptok ,

Could you try re-running the command, but change --db-path /root/.fuel_beta5 to --db-path ~/.fuel_beta5

Thank you for you answer.
The issue is different but still present :

2024-03-05T10:49:25.089719Z  INFO fuel_core::cli::run: 266: Block production disabled     
2024-03-05T10:49:25.089770Z  WARN fuel_core::cli::run: 294: The coinbase recipient `ContractId` is not set!                                                                         
2024-03-05T10:49:25.089781Z  INFO fuel_core::cli::run: 358: Fuel Core version v0.22.1     
2024-03-05T10:49:25.089787Z  INFO fuel_core::service: 95: Opening database "/root/.fuel_beta5" with cache size "1073741824"                                                        
 2024-03-05T10:49:25.101975Z ERROR fuel_core::state::rocks_db: 169: Couldn't open the database with an error: Invalid argument: Column families not opened: column-24, column-23, column-22, column-21, column-20, column-19, column-18, column-17, column-16, column-15, column-14, column-13, column-0, column-1, column-2, column-3, column-4, column-5, column-6, column-7, column-8, column-9, column-10, column-11, column-12.
Trying to repair the database
Error: Failed to open rocksdb, you may need to wipe a pre-existing incompatible db `rm -rf ~/.fuel/db

Even though I’d like to create a new node in beta-5, the official documentation isn’t enough, is it ?

How do you do to create a node with beta-5 if :

  1. .fuelup toolchain install --help doesn’t return beta-5 as value
  2. .fuelup_beta5 is not created automatically after using these commands :
    ~ fuelup toolchain install beta-5
    ~ fuelup default beta-5

Sorry you are still encountering errors. One thing that might work is rm-rf ~/.fuel_beta5. If this doesn’t work could you please show me the output/screenshot of:
fuelup show
fuelup check
which fuel-core

Also I’m not sure why beta-5 is not listed as a toolchain in fuelup, but the lastest toolchain is pinned to the same versions as the beta-5 toolchain. Why do you expect .fuelup_beta5 to be created? Do we mention that somewhere in our docs? fuelup manages various toolchains from the ~/.fuelup folder.

Sure, here screenshots of :

About your question :
Why do you expect .fuelup_beta5 to be created? Do we mention that somewhere in our docs?

So all of the output of your commands looks correct. Did you try my suggestion of removing the ~/.fuel_beta5 folder before running the command again?

When running this on my computer I did not have to create this folder. I believe if the command fails it probably does not create the folder which is what is happening in your case.

Where are you running the command fuel-core run ... from?

Thank you Matt !
I had to delete the .fuel_beta5 and run the fuel-core run command. It created the .fuel_beta5 folder automatically !

My node is running but error appears ? Need to fix it ?

Hi @Lecryptok is your --relayer-log-page-size set to 2000 ?

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Perfect, thank you guys ! :slight_smile:


Last question,
Is it possible to link our fuel wallet to our node/validator ? Or , it is not possible yet ?

@Lecryptok could you explain what you mean by link your fuel wallet to your fuel node/validator?

Somes projects add the posibility to link the node/validator to a wallet address through the creation run command.

That give the possibilities to interact with project network , like : create smart contract or make staking actions directly through the wallet linked to a validator.

I don’t find this on Fuel project, maybe I missed something

Are you perhaps looking for this ?

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Perfect thank you, that what I’m looking for !


:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: i m impressive of the level !

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