Uncaught runtime errors

Hello fam,

I deployed a smart contract as per the instruction in the link below.

When I run my program, I saw the connect button and was able to connect with my wallet which was great. However, the attached error message always appears right after I saw the counter and increment image.

Please let me know if this should be fixed and how to fix it if yes.

Thank you for your help!

Hi there, any update on this ?
I’m having the same issue.

Edit : Found the problem , seems that we both skipped an important detail .
We have to replace the value of the CONTRACT_ID variable at the top of the App.tsx file with the address of the contract we just deployed.
To find the address of the contract , go to your wallet → transaction history and copy the contract address “fuel…”

Hope that helps !

My Discord : spacemonkey6969

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